Confessions from a fitness coach
People look at me as a fitness coach and typically assume I’m always in the best shape of my life maintaining a healthy & fit lifestyle as easily as a morning stroll.
Well, that’s not the case.
I have to admit guys, I definitely struggle too. I skip workouts, I like eating “bad foods”, and I like to sleep in and be lazy sometimes.
I get nervous about upcoming vacations because I worry about how my body will look.
I get anxious as I assess my body composition in the mirror.
I get self-conscious of my posture and feeling like my muscles aren’t developed enough and my abs aren’t as defined as I want them to be.
Sure, there are things I could do to lean up a little bit before I go on vacation. But I’d have to seriously buckle down on my eating habits if I want to be able to see my abs at all.
But most of the time I just don’t want to. It’s easier if I don’t.
I don’t want to limit my carb intake or stop eating them altogether. I don’t want to give up sweets and late-night eating. I don’t want to eat less and do cardio. I just don’t want to!
I like bodybuilding because it lets me train hard and eat even harder.
Please don’t take that away from me.
But through all of this, I know I need to find balance. I need to set some sort of parameters for myself so I don’t jump into a frenzy of, “Eat whatever I want and as much as I want and only work out when I feel like it”. That’s a dangerous road and I’ve been there, we’ve all been there.
I have a bad habit of getting into this routine when I travel. My mindset shifts to, “I’m on VACATION! Keep the wine coming, try everything from the buffet, and oh, one more dessert please!” And all I want to do is hang out on the beach and soak up the sun.
Hotel Xcaret Mexico April 2021
But I know that I can only eat like this and be lazy for so long before my stomach starts to expand making me look like I’m 6 months pregnant with twins; as I lounge on the beach. And along with these habits come tiredness, stomach discomfort, sleep problems, and sometimes digestive issues. After this feeling, I just want to be lazier and eat more crap.
It’s not a healthy cycle and I know that.
This becomes my reality when I don’t set boundaries for myself.
Working out used to be more enjoyable between the ages of 17-25 or so. Now at 29, I sort of feel like I’ve lost the drive most of the time. I don’t want to go and work out. I want to stay home and work and get stuff done or just play Call of Duty Warzone.
I say all of this to say-
I am with you and I understand.
I feel it too.
I know what it’s like to not be satisfied with your body.
Maybe I’ve never had much of an overweight issue but I know what it’s like to be skinny, scrawny, and weak. My interest in exercise stemmed from a lack of confidence in my body in high school. All I wanted to do was build muscle and strength and feel good about my body.
Everyone has their own insecurities and things they don’t like about themselves.
And maybe we can’t fix everything but I’ll die before I stop trying to better myself every day, little by little.
We are never going to be completely satisfied with our bodies. We may never completely accept our flaws and love ourselves as we should.
But what matters most is what you do consistently.
There are many factors we can control. There is a lot we can do. It’s easy to get lost in our own self-pity and just say to ourselves, “Well this is me, I hate it but I can’t change.”
Yes, you can better yourself.
Recognize your strengths and lean on those. Recognize your flaws and set goals to better those areas without focusing too hard on “reaching a certain place” just think about getting BETTER.
We aren’t competing with other people we are only competing with ourselves.
Set boundaries for yourself and learn how to bring yourself back in when you have wandered too far.
No one is in a better position than you. No one has everything figured out.
Guys I struggle too in a lot of the same areas you do. I haven’t “made it”, I’m not any better than you.
Focus on small steps and little wins. They will add up to monumental changes.
We all need support. We all need guidance from time to time.
If you’re ready to work towards making a positive change in your life and create a healthy lifestyle that lasts then just reach out and maybe I can help. At the very least you will be able to leave the conversation knowing more confidently what you need to do to reach your goals.
Consistency is the key. Don’t forget that.