I Am Inherently Lazy

I am inherently lazy.

I love a good movie night, an evening out to eat, and I look forward to a stay-at-home weekend.

I love the looseness and spontaneity of vacations- they give me the luxury to relax without feeling guilty.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with a little rest from time to time- I think rest is important when you are working hard. But if we aren’t careful, we can start to live in this comforting state of laziness and I’ve learned that we can’t grow when we are comfortable.

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6 Nutrition Lies Busy Professionals Are Believing

There’s a lot of information available about nutrition. But how much of it is actually backed up by a peer-reviewed study? There could be some things believed to be facts that are actually just a load of crap.

Today, I’m going to reveal 6 nutrition lies busy professionals are believing, and at the end, I will introduce you to my system for identifying real foods and avoiding the junk.

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Simple nutrition tips for traveling professionals

Eating good nutritious foods can be hard enough to handle at home let alone when you’re out on a business trip or at an event.

But it doesn’t have to be super complicated.

Today, I’m going to give you some simple tips that you can take with you whenever you are traveling or are outside of your home.

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Nutrition 101: How to Eat Well

Most of us have heard that we should be eating a whole food based nutrition plan and that we should avoid the highly-processed foods.

But what does that mean exactly?

My goal for this blog is to answer these questions for you so you can walk away knowing how to identify whole foods and how to be aware of the imitations.

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Nine Lessons I Learned in 2021

Growth happens in stages by doing the little things consistently every day. It’s good to have goals and plan for the future but it’s important that I know where I am at now and that I know what the next stage looks like. If I can focus on the next stage I can better identify the next steps to get there. Great things take time and consistent steps in the right direction are required for growth.

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Why I Went Vegan For a Month

An eating lifestyle that most people will never try… so naturally I had to try it. Here’s why I did it, what I learned, and the benefits and drawbacks from my experience with a vegan diet.

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