How to work more efficiently to maximize your time

Would you like to know how to work more efficiently to maximize your time?

The short answer is to work in chunks of time and take mini breaks in between.

Studies show that taking a diversion or a break from a task can increase our ability to refocus on a task for prolong periods of time.

Today, I’m going to show you some ways you can take breaks throughout the busy work day to recharge and refocus your mind back on work. We will wrap up with a technique to schedule work chunks and break times.

Go for a walk and get some fresh air

Taking just 10-20 minutes to get outside and get some fresh air can help to get our mind off of a stressful task. Or it can give us the clarity we need to get through a roadblock.

Getting out in the sun will naturally give your body Vitamin D. This essential nutrient is not only good for our skin, bones, and other organs, but it can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Along with the sun and fresh air, the physical movement can help the brain to make connections and solve problems that may not have happened sitting inside.


Grab a fictional story book for your creative mind or read a business book for personal development. Either way, taking our mind off of work to read can increase flow and concentration when we get back to work.

Drink some water and have a healthy brain snack

Water is essential. It helps to regulate body temperature, to transport nutrients throughout the body, and to aid in digestion. Did you know that it energizes the brain too?

If our brain can’t get enough oxygen and water it can slowly start to shut down. Even a drop as little as 3% in water can cause brain fatigue.

Studies show that some of the best brain foods are walnuts, beets, lean proteins, fish, and berries.

Blueberries are my favorite brain snack. They are high in antioxidants and can help brain cells communicate to one another and make new connections. This can help with concentration and improved memory.

Spend time in prayer

Spending time in prayer with God focusing on gratitude can improve our mood and appreciation for what we have.

Oftentimes we, and me personally, get stressed out with our own agenda, our goals, our responsibilities, and me me me. When we fight this prideful mentality and own up to the fact that we can’t control everything or do everything on our own, it forces us to rely on God more. God is stronger than our stressors.

Practice slow, deep, breathing

Being intentional with breathing slow and deep can help to reduce stress. By slowing your breathing pattern you will slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and relieve physical and emotional stress from your body.

I can’t sit still for too long and it’s very hard to shut my mind off. If you’re anything like me try this:

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position with your lower back supported. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath.

Long inhales through your nose and long exhales out of your mouth. Keep your focus on making your breaths as long as possible while breathing deep from your diaphragm. Notice your belly rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale.

Do this for just 5 minutes and I guarantee you will feel more relaxed and ready to refocus after.

Putting it all together

Working in chunks and setting break times as needed will help with productivity in the long run. You will be able to work more efficiently to maximize your time.

Some like to use the Pomodoro technique. With this technique you work on a given task for 25 minutes without any distractions followed by a 5 minute break or so. After 4 pomodoros (work periods) take a longer 20-30 minute break.

Or you may want to work on a task for 40 minutes followed by a 10 minute break. Experiment and find a system that works for you.

Either way, setting a timer for a given length of time to work on a task without distraction followed by a short break will help with productivity in the long run.


Taking breaks throughout the work day helps to rest and refocus the mind when getting back on task. You may think that you don’t have time to take breaks and you’d rather just work through something. Everybody’s attention and work capacity is different but one thing’s for sure, we aren’t superhuman. We need to rest and recharge once in awhile.

Go for a walk and get some fresh air
Read a book
Drink some water and have a healthy brain snack
Spend time in prayer
Practice slow, deep, breathing

What are some ways that you like to take a break? Comment below and let us know.

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